A Mindfulness Practice – What? Why? How?
Well, as strange as it may sound, my mindfulness practice actually makes it easier to keep all those balls in the air. It helps me remember that only one thing happens at a time.
So many outstanding lessons and teaching activities exist. Aligning them with the Iowa Academic Standards gets them into classrooms. Our team of teachers know the standards inside and out. We can easily connect your content with academics taught in every classroom.
Well, as strange as it may sound, my mindfulness practice actually makes it easier to keep all those balls in the air. It helps me remember that only one thing happens at a time.
Whether we need to run away, stand up for ourselves, or have a good cry, rushing away from “bad” feelings might keep us from experiencing life in a healthy way.
We Iowans have the rare opportunity to take action for gun safety at the polls November 8 by voting NO on Public Measure Number 1. This is not the no brainer it appears at first look.
We will send you a packet of postcards. When you get them, write a short note about why this issue is important to you, add a stamp and address, and send them to your friends and neighbors.
That’s what my four-year-old granddaughter says as we plant fall crops. I always tell folks who work with kids in gardens, it’s not about the plants. It’s about the kids.
We came together in search of a common goal–feeding our children fresh, healthy food. And we believe that goal can best be accomplished by promoting farm-school partnerships.
And check out Next Step mindfulness & movement activities, the decks are on sale for just one more day— $15 each. There are about 50 activities kinda like the one above. Exercises to help you practice breathing, connecting, settling, playing, and more. And they’re not just for kids!
And now you know that “cool as a cucumber” really IS cool–20 degrees cooler than the temperature outside the cucumber. This made cucumbers the perfect STEAM snack on a hot Iowa day!
The challenge of love and grief got real when my family gathered in Oregon to see my youngest brother off for a three-year appointment in Bhutan.
It’s hard to believe, but some people say our smallest actions have an effect on our world; it sure can’t hurt to develop a positive relationship between our minds and our bodies.