Mindfulness & Movement Classes


Mind-body connection, during or after school.



Educators across the country are finding more and more benefits of Mindfulness & Movement in their classrooms and afterschool programs. Calmer kindergarteners, preteens and adolescents enjoy the effects of breath work, movement and centering.

Bring Next Step Yoga Teachers into your classroom, or schedule afterschool programs for teachers, parents or students to see these results for yourself. Dan and Martha are both 200RYT certified yoga teachers, and have lots of experience with kids.

Schedule classes NOW with our excellent team. Each visit is $50, for groups up to 15 in number.

Leave a message at 515-979-3311 for more info or to schedule your class!

More info on Mindfulness & Movement for the K-12 Classroom ›

Posted by David Couch

Web Guy