An adventure starts with one step, not knowing where you’ll end up. Does change scare you? It’s part of life. But here at Next Step Adventure, we have some tools, skills and know-how to help you ground, find direction and …
As I plunge the depths of art and yoga, as I travel more, and find new next steps, it's great to have a team member that can finish my sentences, and pick up my work where I leave it.
Each of us can focus on what we have, and how amply our needs are met. We can tap into our inner generosity, and find ways to share, to provide, to advocate for those with less.
The day after the 2016 election, I met with D Anderson, a young Black man I’ve worked with for a number of years. I hadn’t slept much the night before. Eating dinner at the Drake Diner counter that night, the election …
Poverty simulation was fantastic. Great job forcing us to deal with the everyday complications of living in poverty. It was impossible not to get frustrated. Participants came up with “creative” ways to solve problems or cut corners for a lasting …
Thank you again for coming on Friday. It was an incredible hands-on learning experience for the students. Once the simulation was finished students reflected on their experience and newly gained insights into life near the poverty line.
Outreach and Energy Generator at Next Step Adventure Shelly Johnson is passionate about helping others and finds great joy in trying new things and working towards solving problems. Throughout her education and career, Shelly has been recognized for her leadership …
The subject of feminism continues to trouble people a lot smarter than me. I did, however, live at a critical time of “Women’s Lib” as my mom called it. She sent me off to a small midwestern college in 1968, …
My brother and I agree that our trip to central Europe last May made the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall’s fall more meaningful than I remember it being even when it happened. One Prague memory I keep going back to as …