Shuffle Power

Sexual harassment has touched many women and men; I have dealt with it personally only a year ago. We can only hope that instances of such insensitive, bullying behavior will decrease as our society evolves and becomes more respectful to women, girls, gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender folks. But, it’s up to each of us to confront it and to support others when they face it.

This lesson in From Adversaries to Allies: A Curriculum for Change–Sexual Harassment Power Shuffle–is designed to help girls:

  • Identify when they have felt vulnerable, frightened, embarrassed or hurt
  • Know that they are not alone and can turn to other girls for support

About three years ago, the Chrysalis Foundation purchased this curriculum for all the girls’ groups. If your group was around then, one of the facilitators should have it.

Reader interactions

5 Replies to “Shuffle Power”

  1. TaZsMiNe RoBiNsOn October 27, 2009 at 1:45 pm

    MaN;ohH MaN;ThIs TeSt Is LOnG;tOoK Me LiKe;[.A WhiLe.]

  2. Ariana f3rgus0n October 27, 2009 at 1:49 pm

    I d0nt lik3 h0w p30pl3 g3t s3ually harras3d its n0t c00l f0r th3 p30ple that ar3 d0in it t0 0th3r p30p3 t0 mak3 th3ir s3lf f33l gud:( aint c00l

  3. hold a protest

  4. It’s really sad and scary to know that this had actually happened, and could be happening close by.

  5. We take security and protection for granted, but even the most secure neighborhoods and circumstances can bring out the worst case scenarios that can harm a girl emotionally and physically. The scar these everyday instances leave on our psyche is immeasurable, eventually making an individual insensitive to such incidents and devastating one’s self image. Its really a sad situation!

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