Calling All Teachers
- Life cycles
- Parts of a plant
- Plant and animal survival needs
- Observation
- Natural resources
- Community helpers
- Graphing
- Measurement
- Sorting
- Journaling
- Read alouds
Yes?! Then, Farm to School activities can be easily integrated into your classroom!
No? Above are just a few of the many connections to be made in the classroom through growing plants, and harvesting and tasting them!
Teachers ask me how people have time to bring Farm to School initiatives into the classroom. We all know how busy teachers are. Lucky for us, Farm to School activities are highly motivating and can slide into a variety of subjects and topics to enhance what you are already teaching.
To learn more, attend the Iowa Farm to School and ECE Conference on Friday, June 17. The free, one-day, virtual conference will offer attendees engaging virtual sessions to support beginning or expanding farm to school and early care and education efforts.
The best way to involve your school in the Farm to School & ECE movement is to bring a team–a BIG team–teachers, early care professionals, parents, farmers, food service staff, school garden coordinators, kids–to the Conference. Then make a plan and see what happens.
You’ll be excited to meet network members from across Iowa. Come prepared to share your ideas, collect resources, and learn about the successes Iowa Farm to School and Early Care is bringing to Iowa. Registration is open!