See Polk County Conservation Surveys

This program evaluation measures progress of clients toward goals of–

  • deeper respect and connection with nature
  • sharing knowledge and experience with others
  • becoming greener in their behaviors around energy and the environment.

Patrice Petersen-Keys, the other naturalists at Polk County Conservation and I have worked on this during the last couple years, here are links to surveys–

and links to the results


Play is a most important element of creativity. People know me for bringing toys to meetings to engage our playful side as we work. Building play into collaboration builds trust, encourages communication and open interaction. Taking time out to play when I’m struggling with a project will loosen the gears and help me focus again.  A walk, playing with Bitsy or weeding the garden can loosen my mind enough to find the way to move on.

As I listened to Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett interviewing Stuart Brown, a physician and director of the National Institute for Play, I thought of times I’ve spent playing with friends. Jill and I creating Jill and Martha’s Relay. Eric with two yellow domes behind his ears to help hear me yelling across the field. Creating the cow milking lesson with Jody.

This Speaking of Faith webpage and podcast may open up some new ideas for you; it did for me. AND it justified my sometimes circuitous routes to accomplishing tasks. They’re talking about how important play is to the development of animals and children and how we need to keep play in our lives for the duration. I recently was in a meeting and Allen Cooper of the National Wildlife Federation used this slide show in his talk; it still sends shivers down my spine.

As I listened to Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett interviewing Stuart Brown, a physician and director of the National Institute for Play, I thought of times I’ve spent playing with friends.  Jill and I creating Jill and Martha’s Relay.  Eric with two yellow domes behind his ears.  The creation of the cow milking lesson with Jody.
This webpage and podcast may open up some new ideas for you; it did for me.  AND it justified my sometimes circuitous routes to accomplishing tasks.  They’re talking about how important play is to the development of animals and children and how we need to keep play in our lives for the duration.
Play is a most important element of creativity.  People know me for bringing toys to meetings to engage our playful side as we work.  I like to build play into collaboration because it builds trust, communication and open interaction.  If I’m struggling with a project, taking time out to play will loosen the gears and help me focus again.
A walk, playing with the cats, or weeding the garden can loosen my mind enough to find the answers.  I was talking with my neighbor the other day about a practice she uses that encourages all of us to find answers within ourselves.  I hope this site helps you find some of those answers.

Plan Agendas

Meeting Agenda Card Sort is a tool for involving your group in setting an agenda for regular meetings. It starts with collecting ideas from all the members, and then provides an easy way to put the ideas in order and develop a timeframe.

Groups benefit from having a standard agenda so that members know what to expect and are prepared. Young people especially need the structure and stability that a set agenda provides. With this method, though, you can use the cards later in the year to fine tune the agenda.

You will need markers and 3 X 5 index cards.

In the large group, brainstorm items that could be part of a meeting. These may include–

  • compliments & appreciations
  • getting organized
  • setting up
  • cleaning up
  • attendance
  • arrival activity
  • pre-meeting activity
  • games
  • snack
  • chores
  • welcome guests
  • introduce guests
  • news & goods, highs & lows
  • introductions
  • program
  • processing
  • field trip
  • problem solving
  • circle
  • committee reports
  • games & recreation
  • dancing
  • arts & crafts
  • discussion/business

As each idea is shared, have someone write it on an index card. You may have some essentials on note cards before the activity, just in case they are left out, but keep the discussion open to all ideas.

Once the group is done brainstorming (usually not more than 10 minutes), use a method such as a line-up (by birthday, height, shoe size) and cut the group into chunks. You can also use zodiac signs or birth months to divide into smaller groups. Groups of seven or less can more easily come to consensus.

Give each small group a stack of index cards from the discussion. Then have each small group stack the cards in the order of what should be part of every meeting to what needs to be discussed only once a year. They don’t have to use all to the cards.

Next each small group shares their order with the large group. Once each group has shared, work as one large group to organize the cards into an agenda that will provide structure to the group for the year or a quarter of the year. Use group meetings to refine this structure over the course of the year.

Jeff Macomber and I developed the Meeting Agenda Card Sort as part of an Involving Youth in Decision Making. I used it last year at Brody when I was helping out.

Beth Mensing offers this variation–“I wrote up 3 or 4 sets of cards with items already on them, we talked through the items as a large group. I could have given them blank cards if there was something that was missing. They were color coded so I could easily pull them out to complete sets again. Then we had each small group create an agenda order, and we tried different agenda orders over the next few weeks. It was pretty interesting. They definitely decided that some agendas just don’t work well for them.”

Map the Community

A map is a special kind of picture of a community or area; there are landmarks that make each community unique. Each team will draw, photograph, take notes and collect things that can be glued to the map-page. At the end of the walk, print photos and add items from the walk to the map-pages.