A Mindful Spring

I love spring!
The delicious anticipation.
Snowdrops appearing before the last snow melts.
And hyacinth blooming when you expect nothing but dead, brown leaves left from autumn.

June’s mom texted to ask what these little early spring flowers were. I said snowdrops.
June said “You don’t need to ask Yaya. She’ll say I’m right.” And I did.
They came into my garden uninvited a few years ago, and each year they’re the first flowers to appear. They don’t mind the snow or the cold, and they’re spreading all over my garden. I start looking for them in late February. Even if it’s really cold, I’m out in my robe and fuzzy slippers to find the first signs of spring.
This spring has been cool and dry. After a few days of 80 degree temperatures in early April (lost hope for spring blooms) the redbuds have flowered from neon fuchsia to soft mauve for two weeks. I got sick in late April, and spent a lot of time in bed. The good news was I could look up at the window above my head and see this favorite grandma Redbud right above my head.

I’ve been determined to really pay attention to spring this year, and to share it with some folks who seem to have an easier time being mindful than most. Friends told me the Virginia Bluebells in Walnut Woods were not to be missed, so I took June and Hazel there after school one day. We got home more than a little late but it was so worth it!

And birthday cookies are the best.

Cyndy and HopHop joined us, and June’s mom came a little later. We had buckets, well, maybe umbrellas of fun!
Other after school outings included a rainy birthday party at Waterworks Park. The crabapple blossoms were gorgeous, but the umbrellas were super fun.
Other days we went to playgrounds to blow off a little energy. And sometimes we came home to work in our garden and play with the roly polies aka pill bugs. Who knew digging in the dirt could be so fascinating?
These outings reminded me of my long held philosophy that the most important thing you can do with kids after school is get them outside!